29 Марта 2025 г. Четная неделя

International scientific and technical conference "PREDMAG 2023"

26 Июня 2023 10:00 - 27 Июня 2023 17:00
International scientific and technical conference
195220 Russia, St. Petersburg, Grazhdansky pr., 28 + Online


Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Fergana Polytechnic University (Republic of Uzbekistan), Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers, Agrarian Polytechnic Institute of Education and Applied Research (Katibugu, Republic of Mali), Moscow Society of Nature Testers, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Section of Plant Growing, Plant Protection and Biotechnology of the Department of Agricultural Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, All-Russian Research Institute of Phytopathology, Volgograd State Technical University, Association of International Youth Cooperation and Tourism (AMMST).

Conference coordinator

Nikolai Vatin
+7 (931) 9643762
29 A-F Build, room B 3.17, Polytechnicheskaya str., St.Petersburg, Russia, 195251
09:00 - 17:30 GMT+4

Conference topics

1. Integrated energy systems (winds, hydro, solar, thermoelectric biomass & alternative fuel, etc.): materials, technologies, efficiency. Renewable and sustainable energy science.

2. Design, modelling, simulation and integration of cyber-physical systems in technological processes and industries.

3. Technologies for increasing soil fertility and ensuring food security of the country, ecological aspects of the use of agrochemicals.

4. Ecology of crop production and protection of agricultural crops from weeds, diseases and pests

5. Organization and management of ensuring food and energy security projects for the countries of the African Union.

6. Material sciences and biochemical research: Projects' design. Multidisciplinary section.

Conference report’s type:

- Original research reports

- Reports on new equipment, materials, machinery, technologies and the results of their practical application

- Review reports

No participation fee

Papers submission

Papers are accepted only by pred.mag@mail.ru e-mail of organeezers servise.


Our authors are research workers, students, postgraduates, doctors of the specialized universities and the specialists from the building and designing organizations.

Language of conference reports is Russian or English.

Language of publications in the conference proceeding is English.

The abstract deadline is June 12, 2023, 23:59 GMT+4.

Abstracts are submitted together with registration for the Forum in Russian or English by e-mail pred.mag@mail.ru.

Requirements for the design of abstracts:

- The size is not more than 3 A4 pages with margins of 2.5 cm, but not less than two A4 pages.

- font "Times New Roman" 11 size,

- interval 1.5.

Mandatory sections – Title, Authors, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements, References. Figures, graphs, formulas are not placed in abstract. Links are not allowed.

Review and abstract works are not accepted for publication.

The full paper submission deadline is September 20,2023, 23:59 GMT+4.

Full papers made at the conference are accepted (but not before a special announcement of admission) only in English in the amount of 8-12 pages, including at least 20 links to publications in leading world-class publications with mandatory DOI. The requirements for the design of extended abstracts will be sent to the authors of the accepted abstracts and those who wish to publish extended abstracts, by an additional letter.

The extended abstracts are planned to be published in a special issue in one of the journals of the Springer nature publishing house, as well as E3S and IOP journals (included in the Scopus and WoS databases).

Origin, motivation and contribution

Papers which are prepared for publishing should be original research manuscripts, never published before and not under consideration for publication in any other conference proceeding (journal etc.). All papers are supposed to present novel research results of international interest. Papers need to be related to the main topic of the conference and conference topic fields. We publish papers written in good English only. All papers are reviewed by a native speaker. All papers are thoroughly checked for plagiarism. Acceptable minimum of originality is 90%. All papers should be not less than 6 pages (recommended 8-12 pages).


The conference Program Committee complies with the ethical standards adopted by the scientific community, in particular, with the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics. If a paper contains figures or tables taken from other sources, the author must get the respective permission for reproduction them from the corresponding publishers.


Number of authors in a single paper is 6 person maximum. One person can be the author of not more than 2 articles. The corresponding author is the person chosen within the group to be responsible for all contact and correspondence with the periodical. The corresponding author should ensure that all appropriate co-authors (and no inappropriate co-authors) are included in the paper, and that all co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the paper and agree on its submission for publication.


Participants present reports within the sections in the oral format (10 minutes with a presentation in pptx format), video reports, as well as a poster section.

Oral reports are presented in the form of a presentation with a pptx file.

The wall report is done in zoom. The time is no more than 2 minutes for the presentation of several pptx slides.

Video reports are presented in the form of a presentation of 6-7 slides with audio accompaniment in English. The picture should be clear and the information should be well readable, and the sound should be clear and loud.

The video recording of the report should be made in the format: *.avi, *.mkv or *.mp4 (no more than 300 MB in size).

The video must be put to cloud storage (Dropbox, Yandex disk, Google drive, etc.).

The duration of the video is no more than 10 minutes.

Presentations of written and poster reports and video files of video reports should be sent by the authors of the accepted abstracts (abstract) no later than June 20.

Conference program committee members:

D. Sc., Professor Soumano Lassine Rural Polytechnic Institute for Training and Applied Research, Katibugu, Republic of Mali (Chear)

D.Sc., Professor Nikolai Ivanovich Vatin, Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polyechnic University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia (Scientific editor-in-chief)

Academician of the Academy of Sciences Republic of Uzbekistan Ramizulla Muminov Physical-Technical NGO  "PHYSICS-SUN", ASUz, Republic of Uzbekistan (Co-Chear),

D. Sc. Victor Krasnoshchekov, Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia (Co-Chear)

Academician of Academy of Sciences the Republic of Uzbekistan Abdugafur Mamadalimov National University of Uzbekistan, Republic of Uzbekistan, (Co-Chear),

D.Sc., Professor Anorakhon Kasymakhhunova, Fergana polytechnic University, Republic of Uzbekistan.

D. Sc., Professor Vasily Rud’, A.F. Ioffe Physicotechnical Institute, Russia (Co-Scientific editor in chief)

D.Sc., Professor Doulbay Melebaev, Turkmen State University Named for Magtymguly, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Korshunov, All-Russian Research Institute of Phytopathology, Russia.








Integrated energy systems: materials and technologies


(oral, video report, wall report)


Full name

S.P. Ivanov1, I.V. Petrov2, E.Y. Sidorov1,2, M.N. Nikiforov1


1 – Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

2 – Lomonosov Moscow State University


Full name

Evgeniy Yurevich Sidorov

Academic degree


Organization, job title

Lomonosov Moscow State University, professor


119991, Moscow, Pushkinskaya st. 1

